Cool & Easy Manly Haircuts That Will Make You Look Like a Badass

Last Updated 2 years ago:

There is a new trend in men’s haircuts, and it is called the macho style. This style is all about big, bold, and in-your-face hair. If you want to make a statement with your hair, this is your style. The key to nailing the macho hairstyle is to keep things simple. There is no need for fancy hair products or intricate styling techniques. All you need is a pair of scissors and some gel to hold your hair in place.

The best way to get started with the macho haircut is to ask your barber for a tapered fade on the sides and back. Next, adding highlights to your hair will give it some contrast and make it appear more voluminous. On top, you will want to leave your hair slightly longer and styled into a messy quiff or pompadour.


The Undercut

Machohairstyles have come back in a big way. The undercut is one of the most popular of these styles. It is a look that is simple yet striking. The undercut is a style where the hair on the sides and back of the head is cut abruptly short, while the hair on the top is allowed to grow longer. This style can be worn in various ways, making it versatile and perfect for any man who wants to make a statement with his hair.

The Buzz Cut

Macho hairstyles have always been popular with men. The buzz cut is one of the most popular macho hairstyles. It is a very simple style that is easy to maintain. The buzz cut is a short hairstyle tapered down to the skin on the sides and back. It can be worn with or without a beard.

The Quaff

The quaff is one of the most macho hairstyles a man can wear. However, it is a classic style that has been around for many years and will continue to be popular. The quaff can be worn with any hair length, but it looks best on men with medium to long hair. To create a quaff, style your hair to stand up in the front. You can use gel, wax, or pomade to achieve this look.

The Pompadour

The pompadour hairstyle is making a comeback. This macho hairstyle is perfect for men looking stylish and professional. The key to pulling off the pompadour is to have a lot of hair on the top of your head. If you don’t have a lot of hair, you can use a hair product to create volume. You will also need a strong-hold gel or pomade to style your hair into a pompadour.

The Fringe

There was a time when the fringe was considered a hairstyle for the edgy and the daring. But in recent years, it’s become more mainstream, with more and more guys sporting this look. And there’s a good reason that the fringe can be a great way to add some personality to your style without going too over-the-top.

If you’re considering getting a fringe, there are a few things to remember. First, you’ll need to have the right hair type – if your hair is too thick or too curly, then a fringe might not be the best option. Also, you’ll need to be prepared for regular upkeep – boundaries require periodic trimming to maintain their shape and style.


These new macho haircuts are a great way to look tough and badass. They are perfect for men who want to make a statement and stand out from the crowd. One way to add some edge to your style is to try one of these haircuts.

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