What Are The Common Causes Of Under-eye Sagging

Last Updated 1 year ago:

Under-eye sagging is a common issue that many people face, and it can be caused by a variety of factors. As we age, the skin around our eyes becomes thinner and less elastic, which can cause the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines, and bags. However, under-eye sagging can also be caused by a number of other factors, including lifestyle habits and genetics. In this blog post, we’ll explore some of the major causes of under-eye sagging.


As we age, the skin around our eyes loses its elasticity and becomes thinner. This can cause the fat pads under the eyes to become more visible, creating the appearance of bags or sagging skin. This can lead to sagging under eye. Additionally, the production of collagen and elastin decreases, making the skin less firm and resilient.


Genetics can also play a role in under-eye sagging. If your parents or grandparents have under-eye bags or sagging skin, you may be more likely to develop these issues as well. Genetics can also determine the thickness and texture of your skin, which can affect its elasticity and firmness.

Sun Damage

Exposure to the sun’s harmful UV rays can cause damage to the skin and lead to premature aging. Over time, the sun can break down collagen and elastin, which can cause the skin to sag and wrinkle. Additionally, sun exposure can cause the skin to become dehydrated, which can make wrinkles and fine lines more pronounced.

Sleep Habits

Lack of sleep or poor quality sleep can also contribute to under-eye sagging. When you don’t get enough rest, the body produces more cortisol, a stress hormone that can break down collagen and elastin. Additionally, when you don’t get enough sleep, your body may retain more water, which can cause puffiness and bags under the eyes.


Dehydration can also contribute to under-eye sagging. When your body is dehydrated, it can’t produce enough collagen and elastin, which can make the skin less firm and resilient. Additionally, when the skin is dehydrated, it can become more prone to wrinkles and fine lines.


Smoking can also contribute to under-eye sagging. The chemicals in cigarettes can cause damage to the skin and break down collagen and elastin. Additionally, smoking can restrict blood flow, which can make the skin look dull and tired.


Allergies can cause under-eye bags and puffiness, which can contribute to sagging skin over time. Allergies can cause inflammation, which can lead to the accumulation of fluid under the eyes. Additionally, rubbing and itching the eyes can cause the skin to become more fragile and prone to sagging.

Poor Diet

Eating a diet that is high in processed foods, sugar, and salt can also contribute to under-eye sagging. These foods can cause inflammation and fluid retention, which can make the skin look puffy and tired. Additionally, a diet that is low in nutrients can make the skin less resilient and prone to sagging.

Facial Expressions

Finally, repetitive facial expressions can also contribute to sagging under eyes When you make certain facial expressions, such as squinting or frowning, you engage the muscles around the eyes. Over time, this can cause the skin to become more lax and prone to sagging.

In conclusion, under-eye sagging is a common issue that can be caused by a variety of factors. While some of these factors, such as genetics and aging, are beyond our control, there are steps we can take to minimize the effects of other causes. 


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