Is There Any Hair Transplant Method Better Than The FUE Method?

Last Updated 2 years ago:

By the age of 50, almost 80 to 85 percent of males suffer from thinning hair. And the percentage for women is around 50 for the same issue. You can depict from this the severity of the issue at hand. And people do not rest after receiving a threat from hair fall. Instead, they want and look for a solution to this. 

Undoubtedly, the best solution for everyone is to have bald patches filled with hair. However, not everything is rosy since re-entering hair follicles in bald patches requires a surgical procedure, either way. We have heard of the FUE method for hair transplant, but this time, we bring a strong counterpart that everyone is talking about. And that is Direct Hair Implantation. 


FUE Transplantation Method 

Commonly, two methods exist for hair transplantation, FUE, and FUT. These methods are not traditional but have diversified over time. In essence, their role is significant and immense in hair transplant treatment all over the globe. Thus, we cannot nullify their presence and use but counterparts do exist. Thus, before moving to a third and improved method, let us talk about what FUE has been offering. At first, it is a feasible process and does not consume your time abundantly. Moreover, the prices are also higher for it in comparison to FUT because of its ease. 

Secondly, FUE is also considered a safe process since it does not require the cutting of a scalp that contains hair follicles. Instead, the FUE procedure involves extraction of hair, each at a time, and then directly implanting them on the places or patches of baldness. The process takes away the problems of scarring that often result from the FUT. Hence, you will have little to worry about leftover marks. With such a great technique, one can feel the need to have a third transplant method. And also, what improvements can one possibly enjoy with a third and improved method? 

Direct Hair Implantation 

What if we tell you that you do not have to worry about surgical implantation of hair follicles even like in an FUE? Moreover, your experience with FUE will involve two processes i.e. making channels in your scalp for the plantation of follicles and planting them consequently. But in our third and dedicated process, direct hair implantation, all two processes are performed at once. 

In essence, there is less time to consume with direct hair implantation, there is little to worry about scarring, and you will have a lesser fear of the tools. The direct Hair Implantation method uses a dedicated tool that creates incisions in scalps for plantation. Moreover, it stores the hair follicles extracted in its body. And you can simply use the plan to inject the stored hair follicles within bald patches.  

How does Direct Hair Implantation Works? 

The operating style of a direct hair implants process is different from that of an FUE one. But the methodology does not change between the two. For example, the working principle is the extraction of hair from a portion where hair is abundant. The hair follicles are extracted and then have to be introduced into the bald patches. For this, incisions are made so the hair follicles can be inserted. Methodology differs in tools since the direct hair implantation process covers every step with the help of a dedicated pen that creates an incision and plans your hair within. 

  1. At first, the surgeon has to carefully shave the place where an incision is to be made or where the hair is to be introduced. They also apply local anesthesia so the region becomes numb. 
  2. In essence, the surgeon will be extracting hair follicles usually from the back of the head since hair thickness is higher there. 
  3. The above extraction of follicles is followed by implanting them into the bald patches. However, both the processes happen through a fine-pointed pen-shape tool. 
  4. After the implantation of follicles into the bald patches, the surgeon uses antibiotic cream alongside a bandage to all the sites. 

Are You Eligible for Direct Hair Implantation Work? 

Up till now, you know the most about Direct Hair Implantation. But there is one major thing to discuss. It is not ideal to get in line for direct hair implantation work. In essence, there remain certain criteria that can prove if you are eligible to undergo the process. 

  • Age

A person has to be over 25 to undergo a direct hair implantation transplant. 

  • Thickness 

People that possess thicker hair have a higher chance of positive transplantation. 

  • Hair Color 

In essence, people with hair color that is closer matching to their skin have a better ratio to return positive results. 

In essence, other characteristics can be included here. 


A person is likely to undergo hair fall and hair shortage sometime in his life, especially around the age of 50. At that time, you can best look for a transplant method and not rely on it to move on with life. And while choosing from several methods, keep the direct hair implantation method closer to remembrance.

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