Essential Tips for Healthy, Shiny, and Silky Hair

Last Updated 3 years ago:

Thanks to the advice on how to have healthy hair naturally, it is possible to restore the shine we need so much to our hair. That is why we have compiled the best tips for healthy, shiny, and good-looking hair.


How to have healthy hair naturally?

Among the most effective natural hair care tips is the application of hair masks. They are perfect as a treatment to moisturize the hair and restore shine in the hair. However, many times it is not possible to obtain the desired result since it is usually applied in the wrong way.

When we try to learn how to have healthy hair, the use of hair masks should not be after shampoo but before, and with totally dry hair from the middle to the ends. To get an advantage from all its benefits it is necessary to create a Hamman for your hair.

Basically what you should do after applying it is to wrap it in a layer of plastic paper next to a hot towel for at least 20 minutes. Finally, take a shower and remove it with plenty of water.

There is no doubt about the great power of using hair masks to maintain and enjoy beautiful hair. You can find here the best hair mask of 2021.

What to do to have healthy hair?

Among the things you can do about how to have healthy hair, the following can be mentioned:

Use the right amount of shampoo

Many times we make the mistake of exceeding the amount of shampoo we apply to our hair, and that prevents us from having healthy hair. Although its mission is to remove dirt, just using a scoop-sized portion is more than enough to have healthy hair.

When you usually place more of this portion, the hair follicle tends to swell and your hair is likely to look dull. That is why from now on try to be moderate in the amount of shampoo you apply to your hair.

Brush it several times a day

One of the tips that do not go out of style in the treatment for hair, is to brush it several times a day. By doing so, you will be stimulating its growth, and giving it the brightness it deserves so much. We recommend doing it 2-3 times a day to stimulate the blood circulation of the scalp, thus favoring the restoration of damaged hair.

Cut the tips

Nothing more effective in how to have healthy and beautiful hair than to cut the damaged ends so that they can be easily restored. Ideally, do it every two months to stimulate healthy hair growth. Besides that, it is one of the best ways to oxygenate the mane, mainly in long hair.

Minimize hair exposure to heat

Our hair when exposed to excessive heat loses strength, shine, and looks dry. That is why we recommend you avoid it to have healthy, strong, and long hair.

What should you eat to have healthy hair?

To have healthy and strong hair it is necessary to maintain a good diet, take vitamins for hair, and adequate food to have healthy hair. This is essential to give our hair the nutrients it needs and look beautiful hair.

In this case, you should only increase the consumption of nuts, vegetables, fish, dairy products, fish, and fruits. In addition to a lot of water.

Another of the things you should eat to have healthy and shiny hair is biotin. It is an essential vitamin to promote hair and nail growth. Among the foods that contain it, are the following:

  • Green peas
  • Walnuts
  • Eggs
  • Blue Fish
  • Integral rice
  • Beer yeast
  • Beef liver

How to make hair softer?

Among the tips to have beautiful and soft hair, are the following:

Rinse with cold water

When warm or hot water is constantly used, our hair tends to weaken easily and looks dull. Instead, by including cold water in hair care, the cuticles are sealed making them look silky and shiny.

With this, we don’t want to tell you that the water has to be freezing, just cold to get the most beautiful hair in the world.

Replace the shampoo with egg

In case you have not obtained the desired results with the selected shampoos, nothing better to have healthy and long hair than egg whites. Yes! Although it sounds incredible, this ingredient will allow you to remove all the dirt accumulated in your hair and provide the hydration and softness it deserves.

The power of the conditioner

In the process of how to have healthy hair, you can not miss the use of a good conditioner, to show off perfect hair. Remember the basic rule of extending it from the middle of the hair towards the ends, until it can be distributed evenly with the help of a plastic comb.

We recommend you to be as careful as possible with your hair when doing so, to avoid making uncomfortable pulls. Ideally, hold strand by strand as you comb it. With this, you will achieve long and healthy hair.

Remove the knots patiently

We know that sometimes it is a bit complicated to get rid of the uncomfortable knots that our hair can have, but it is necessary to remain calm while doing so and avoid damaging it.

In case your patience is limited, we recommend applying a little coconut oil or jojoba and allow a few minutes to notice how the knots of your hair will be untangled easily.

Now that you know the tips for having shiny healthy hair, it’s time to include them in your beauty routine. Remember that wearing healthy hair is part of your personality.

Do not think twice and return to your hair the shine, softness, and health that you deserve so much with the tips mentioned above and using the best hair products from today and start to notice the results.

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