6 Bad Habits that Cause Hair Loss

Last Updated 3 years ago:

In recent periods, the rate of hair damage has increased by up to 7 out of 10 women. Falling, breaking, and bombing endings are all common and troublesome problems that cause hair loss and loss of vitality.

Due to many external factors such as environmental pollution, undernourishment, and other factors, the hair becomes fragile and weak. However, some erroneous habits may adversely affect the health of your hair, which you should quit altogether.

habits that cause hair loss


Bad habits that cause hair loss:

In the following article, we will review together the most common daily bad habits that cause hair loss.

1. Excess heat:

Most women use heat-drying tools, such as hot iron or electric dryers. These tools not only break the hair but over time, your hair becomes weak and completely falling. Therefore, it is not recommended to use these tools frequently and should use the protection serum to reduce the damage to the hair.

2. Excessive combing of hair:

Although it is essential to comb the hair to stimulate blood circulation and penetrate the moisturizing and nourishing elements inside the hair follicle, it is more damaging than its benefits. This may result in weak hair follicles and break them and aggravate the ends. The ideal number for combing the hair during the day is only twice to keep the hair healthy away from the hishan and damage.

3. Use of chemical preparations:

Most commercial hair care products like Serum, Sabra, and Hair Gel are based on a combination rich in harsh chemicals that will inevitably damage your hair. This is reflected directly on the health of your hair to cause it to fall and bomb the ends significantly. Replace those non-effective preparations with safe, natural ingredients that are free from any chemicals.

4. Inappropriate hair extensions:

The top cake is one of the favorites of many girls. However, its permanent application may cause hair damage and bombardment. Which causes the weakness of hair follicles and reduces the growth rate, so the hair becomes lighter and more prone to falling.

5. Excessive hair washing:

Keep in mind that hair shampooing causes the loss of natural oils and moisturizers from the scalp. This is one of the most important reasons for hair dryness. Therefore, it is not recommended to wash the hair more than twice a week to protect against damage and severe drought. Alternatively, you can use dry shampoos to get rid of impurities and excess fatty secretions on the scalp.

6. Comb wet hair:

Combing the wet hair from the basic habits behind the hair loss to correct crisp and broken. Also, damp hair follicles are most likely to fall as a result of being easily pulled from the roots. Avoid this bad habit, dry your hair well using a clean towel, and leave it to dry automatically in the air without the need to use the electric dryer.

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